Thursday, February 25, 2010


I think that God shows me my
incredible selfishness
so much--

to bring me to him.

It's so hard.
All I am is selfishness. Really. 
I see it and want to cry and scream and crumple.

And then I feel this thought- that I need God.

I need him to be selfless.
I fail, I fail, I fail.
Every day.
I never go to him. I never receive it, surrender. And I can't.

He can.


Alyssa said...

Wow. This...

is a good post.

GREAT even.

I love it.

Anonymous said...

You are so right. We can't do anything on our own, we need to keep going to Him to be able to accomplish anything. I have had to learn that lesson over and over again, I still do!
Love you!

Maddy J. said...

I KNOW! -- about realizing. totally. nothing strikes you unless God makes it. there are things that for years rolled off me like water on a duck's back until i lived them and discovered them for myself.
and selfishness-- yes. i am SO.