Saturday, September 17, 2011

"I've Got A Reason To Dance"

I love this, from Footloose. It makes me want to dance and not give one thought to how I look. To just grin and jump around and bathe in freedom and joy. To be a maniac. To live.

And this one too. To dance for my King and be ravished by his love, to taste his joy and sunlight and look forward to Heaven. Look ahead. I can't wait!


Alyssa said...

Heehee. Muahaha. Hohoohaha.... muahahahohoheeheehehehaahaaWHOOHEEHAHAskippitydodadeeeehehehahahaaa... haha. Ha.

Alyssa said...


Laugh attack.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am so confused.

Anonymous said...

Why were you laughing??