Saturday, April 05, 2014

swimming in darkness, found by the light

some rare nights
the sadness hits like a hurricane.

unexplained, sudden, fierce in nature and brute force. but it's gentle too. creeping in behind my eyes. a thief in the night. and it is a blessing to feel this much, though confusing to not understand the intricacies of what is going on inside of oneself.

pain exploding. a concave of emptiness, mingled with bursting feeling. maybe even peace. mixture, beyond words,
just gutsy, profound, and human.

i don't know why i am writing this, nor what i am saying. but i just wanted to express this moment. strange, foreign. but familiar because this comes to me sometimes. and it is strange, in the sense of emptiness,

i feel a sudden nearness to God. like i have been thrust into His arms.

and oh how i need to be held.

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