Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Stumped over a speech. . .

I'm supposed to be writing a speech for my graduation ceremony. (Yes, due tomorrow. I am a chronic procrastinator.)

But I'm stuck. I have one little idea, but even then, I can't seem to write about it. How do I begin? How can say goodbye? I do want to leave an impression, a lasting word of inspiration. I admit, I even want to be remembered and complimented after the ceremony is over. A bit of a selfish desire.

But really, shoving aside my little fantasies of temporary fame and power as I stand before the biggest crowd I'll have ever spoken in front of (though it won't be all that large),

I dream of leaving something behind me that matters. 

And in that, I pray to become invisible. I find the desire in me for attention and admiration, but I hope it will fade in comparison to my desire to speak words of life into these people. To strangers, family, and friends. I want to impart what God wants these people to hear.

Holy Spirit, when I get up in front of the podium, no matter how prepared or unprepared I am,
will you walk into the room?

I need you. My words and preparations and desires are futile without you. And God, you know how I could use some help on my public speaking.

Well, I've got to go. I'm going to go pray, then try to shake some of the rust out of my head.


Leah Ferguson said...

I know you'll do wonderfully :)

Anna said...

Thanks Leah. I hope so, though it doesn't feel like it will turn out well right now. :)